LLC "Knauf Gyps Kuban"
Knuf is a leading global manufacturer of building materials. It includes about 150 enterprises, which employ 22 thousand employees in more than 40 countries of the world.
LLC KNAUF GIPS KUBAN is one of the largest enterprises in the construction industry of the Krasnodar Territory, operating since 1995.
It is based in the village of Psebay, Mostovsky District, where the richest Shedok deposit is located, the best gypsum in Europe.
For several years in a row, KNAUF GIPS KUBAN LLC has been ranked first in the ranking of 100 leading enterprises in the production of building materials and in the construction industry - the leaders of the Russian construction industry.
According to the company's management, the highest quality of products, favorable features of the occurrence of the breed, minimal costs for its transportation from the mountain, and a well-thought-out investment policy of plant modernization lead it to the leading position in the KNAUF group.
Realized investment projects:
- Expansion of gypsum production in order to increase the output capacity by 400 thousand tons per year and the construction of a new plant for dry building mixes with a warehouse with a capacity of 300 thousand tons per year (2007-2010).
- Construction of a line for drying quartz sand (2015).